Legislation of Hallmarking
What is a hallmark?
It’s an official stamp of quality, production & importation.
A hallmark is a Government seal that’s stamped precious metal objects, such as jewellery or silverware. The purpose of a hallmark is to certify the metal purity of the item and his legal commercial entity. On every silver product we sell there is a “925” stamp which indicates the material and the quality of silver used for this jewelry. A Hallmark is a stamp delivered from the authorities. A Responsible mark is a stamp that comes from the producter or importer. The responsible mark from All4silver is “A4S”.
Why is hallmark necessary?
Hallmarking is the law
Official hallmarking is the trusted way to guarantee that you are getting the correct purity of precious metals in your jewellery and that your jewellery have been imported and traded legally.
What does hallmarking do or bring to seller & buyer?
Hallmarking protects both consumers & jewellers
Compulsory hallmarking means that the public will always have a guarantee of quality and origin. Because it’s impossible to tell how pure a precious metal item is by simply looking at it, only official assaying can guarantee standards.
How does a hallmark looks like?
Each country got its own symbol for hallmarking
All4silver is a wholesaler of 925 silver jewelry based in Slovakia which is part of the European Union. This way all jewelry hallmarked by the Slovak authority are legally accepted in all countries from the European Union.
Here is the hallmark that you will find on your jewelry if it’s concerned by the local rules & legislation of your country.
Who does hallmarking?
Only authorities can use officially registered hallmark
Every country have its own hallmarking office, it is usually under the department of precious metal or custom duties/ importation. Only these national registered offices are certified to hallmark. As jewellery wholesaler, All4silver works on a daily basis with the “Puncovy urad” which is the hallmark office from the Slovak republic, based in Trencin.
What jewelry need to be hallmarked?
Your country and the weight of silver defines what needs to be hallmarked
In every country the rules & legislation for selling/buying silver jewelry can be different also depending on the silver weight of the jewelry (one single piece).Note: a pair of Earrings is considered as two independent single pieces of jewelry.
Find below according the hallmarking obligations according to country and silver weight.
Country | Silver Weight (grams) | “925” (Material stamp) | A4S (Responsibility mark) | Hallmark from the authorities |
Czech Republic | 3.00Gr < | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Hungary | 2.00Gr < | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Poland | 5.00Gr < | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Romania | 2.00Gr < | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Slovakia | 2.50Gr < | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Slovenia | 7.00Gr < | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Where to find more information?
Contact the hallmarking office in your country.
Find below the address and contact information of your country:
Austria | Steuer und ZollkoordinationEdelmetallkontroll-Labor Address: Vordere Zollamtstrasse 5, AT – 1030 VIENNA Tel: +43 1 71 10 65 71 435 Fax: +43 1 59 71 400 E-mail: kazem.rezwan@bmf.gv.at |
Croatia | State Office for MetrologyState Office for Metrology Ulica grada Vukovara 284/VI HR-10000 Zagreb Tel: + 385 1 563 0000 Fax: + 385 1 563 0001 E-mail: pisarnica@dzm.hr www.dzm.hr |
Czech Republic | Puncovní úřad PrahaAddress: Kozí 4 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic Tel +420 225 982 111 Fax: +420 225 982 201 E-mail: info@puncovniurad.cz www.puncovniurad.cz |
Demark | Assay Office c/o Force TechnologyAddress: Park Allé 345, 2605 Brøndby Tel: +45 43 26 70 00 Fax: +45 43 26 70 11 E-mail: info@aedelmetalkontrollen.dk www.force.dk |
France | Direction Générale des Douanes et Droits IndirectsAddress: Direction Générale des Douanes et Droits Indirects (DGDDI-F3) Garantie des métaux précieux 11, rue des Deux Communes FR - 93588 MONTREUIL Cedex Tel: +33 1 57 53 44 63 Fax: +33 1 57 53 42 88 |
Germany | FEMAddress: FEM Forschungsinstitut Katharinenstraße 17 D73525 Schäbisch Gmünd Tel: 00497171 100645 E-mail: voelker@fem-online.de www.fem-online.de |
Hungary | Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (HTLO) Address: Assay Authority of the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (HTLO) Bláthy Ottó u.3 HU - 1089 BUDAPEST VIII Tel: +36 1 313 00 20 Fax: +36 1 210 21 71 E-mail:www.nemesfemvizsgalo.hu |
Italy | AssicorAddress:Via G.b. Morgani 30H IT – 00161 ROME Tel: +39 06 97 61 01 76 Fax: +39 06 97 61 05 26 E-mail: assicor@assicor.org www.assicor.org |
Montenegro | Odjeljenje za dragocjene metale Zavod za metrologiju Address: Ul. Kralja Nikole 2 81000 Podgorica, Crna Tel: +382 20 601 360; +382 20 601 361 Fax: +382 20 634 652 E-mail: milena.raonic@metrologija.gov.me www.metrologija.gov.me |
The Netherlands | Waarborg Platina, Goud en Zilver N.V Address: Waarborg Platina, Goud en Zilver N.V. (Waarborg Holland) Postbus 1075 NL - 2800 BB GOUDA Tel: +31 182 58 93 00 Fax: +31 182 52 17 45 E-mail: info@waarborg.nl www.hallmarking.com www.waarborg.nl |
Poland | Regional Assay Office in Warsawul. Elektoralna 200-139 Warszawa e-mai: oup.warszawa@gum.gov.pl dyrektor.oup.warszawa@gum.gov.pl www.gum.gov.pl/probiernictwo tel: +48 22 620 33 94 fax: +48 22 620 27 85 |
Romania | National Authority for Consumers ProtectionAddress: National Authority for Consumer Protection, Precious Metals &Precious Stones Department 30 Strada Fabrica de chibrituri Monetaria Statului Gate 3 RO - Sect.5 BUCHAREST Tel / Fax: +40 21 312 82 3 E-mail:www.anpc.gov.ro |
Slovenia | Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo Address: Kotnikova 38 Ljubljana, Slovenia 1000 Slovenia Tel: +386 1 478 46 00 E-mail: gp.mvzt@gov.si www.mvzt.gov.si |
Slovakia | Assay OfficeAssay Office of the Slovak Republic Medena 10 SK - 814 56 BRATISLAVA Tel: +421 2 52 92 02 00 Fax: +421 2 52 63 52 72 E-mail: pusr@puncurad.gov.sk www.puncurad.gov.sk |
Switzerland | Oberzolldirektion Zentralamt für Edelmetallkontrolle Address: Oberzolldirektion Zentralamt für Edelmetallkontrolle CH - 3003 BERN Tel: +41(0)58 462 66 34 Fax: +41(0)58 464 84 41 E-mail: thomas.brodmann@ezv.admin.ch www.ezv.admin.ch/dienstleistungen/04062/index.html?lang=en |
Ukraine | Assay Office Ukrainian State Assay Office Address: Ukrainian State Assay Office of Ministry of Finance of Ukraine 26 Otto Schmidta Street UA - KIEV 04107 Tel: +380 44 206 70 39 Fax: +380 44 486 38 11 E-mail : kievassay@ukrtel.net www.assay.gov.ua |